Monday, April 4, 2011

Autograph Questions With...Hayley Wickenheiser (2nd Edition)

In memory of #17 Mandi Schwartz. Cancer took away a future gold medalist on Sunday.

Note; Believe it or not, I am working on a normal, full length blog entry...but I thought I'd give an quick entry, in the mean time.

Back on May 5th, 2010, I introduced a new feature to my blog. "Autograph Questions With..." was a success with my readers, friends, and family. I still get questions, now and then, about who was the nicest person I've ever interviewed for my blog. My answer is still the person I interviewed first. I got so much positive feedback from interviewing Hayley Wickenheiser last year...that when the oppourtunity presented itself on April 3rd, 2011, to speak to her again...I jumped at the chance.

This past weekend, Hockey Canada brought in around 30 hopefuls to make the 2011 IIHF World's Women Championship. Hayley was one of the invitees. The camp was held at the Mastercard Centre, in south Etobicoke (Toronto).

On Sunday, I made my way down to hopefully gain a few autographs. When I arrived, Hayley and the rest of the Team Canada's hopefuls arrived afterwards. Hayley signed for everybody, who asked for her autograph.

It was at this point, I thought I would ask her again, if I could interview her for my autograph blog. After a few moments in the dressing room, Hayley came out to the stands surrounding the ice tape up a few hockey sticks. She walked into the seats, sat down, and began to tape up her sticks. I decided, it would be now or never!

I walked over to where she was sitting, and introduced myself; "Hi Hayley, my name is Chris...we met at a Canadian Tire signing you had last year...where you were kind enough to answer some questions about autographs and autographing, for my blog!". She said she remembered, but kept on taping. I continued, "I was hoping if you had a minute or two, that I could ask you a few more questions about autographs and autographing...I had alot of positive responses from that entry!". "Sure", she responded...and kept on taping.

Let's roll.

Autograph Questions With...Hayley Wickenheiser (2nd Edition)

How often per week do you get asked to sign an autograph?

HW; "I get asked everyday!"

What do you get asked to autograph the most?

HW; "Mostly, hockey cards and pictures."

Where is the weirdest place you've ever been recognized and asked for an autograph?

HW; *Gave this question some thought, before answering "I would have to say...on a beach!"

Can you remember the first item, you were ever asked to autograph?
HW; "Yes, my first hockey card."

Do you have any autographed items, on your walls, at home?

HW; "Yes, I have autographs of Jann Arden, Mark Messier, and Bill Clinton!" *She didn't mention was items were autographed by the three celebrities, and I didn't ask.

And finally, Hayley, do you collect your own memorabilia?

HW; "No. I mean, I kept some things like 'key pucks and sticks', but that's it."

...And with that, I thanked her for time, shook her hand, and left her to continue taping her hockey sticks.

She was kind enough to sign to sign a puck & card (thanks for the card, Bill) for me this past weekend...and posed for a quick picture! Of note, she was super-kind enough to give an inscription on the Team Canada puck; 02, 06, 10 Gold...representing all 3 Olympic victories!

Hayley, even when appears to be busy, always has time for her fans. Something truly appreiciated here, and by my close friends. Not all celebrities are like that...making Hayley truly a Canadian icon!

Thanks for the read,

PS- "4 out of 5" is half way done. Watch for it, in the next 2 weeks.
PS deux- Comments are always welcomed! However, PLEASE leave a name/handle! If you just say..."nice"...I have no clue in who you are! :)


  1. T'was a great weekend with Team Canada. First class all the way.
    Glad the card came out great!

  2. Great stuff Chris! I wish I could get on the road as much as you, or have the uncanny skills you have to grab these stars out of nowhere! LOL

    Keep it up!
