Friday, July 15, 2011

Autograph Questions With...Wendel Clark

I'm sitting here, finally on vacation, on a rainy day...thinking, I've ignored my blog long enough.

Let's roll.

So, awhile back...I went to Wendel Clark's Restaurant. The Oakville location was celebrating it's one year anniversary, and had an open house to the public. So, I decided to go with a couple friends. Richard, Ernie, and Ryan all wanted to check out Wendel's restaurant, and the event that was planned.

Normally, I would talk about the celebrity...but hey, it's Wendel! Everyone knows Wendel! Captain Crunch! Number 17! Bleeds Blue & White! know whom I'm talking about!

A few former NHL players were to attend. Johnny Bower, Tom Fergus, Gary Leeman, Doug Gilmour, and Wendel Clark, himself, were scheduled to attend. When we arrived, Wendel was already there, greeting guests!

We sat at the bar, enjoying the restaurant! They had free food, beer, power drinks...they were doing it up!

After pictures and autographs with Wendel, I decided to approach him again and talk about my blog...hoping he'd agree to a quick interview about autographs. He agreed to answer a few questions.

I was very, very surprised about his attitude on autographs.

Here's the interview, enjoy!

"Autograph Questions With...Wendel Clark"

Who was the first person you ever asked for an autograph?
"I've never asked for an autograph. Just not my thing, I understand why people ask for autographs, I just don't collect them."

What's the coolest thing, you've ever autographed?
"To's just an autograph."

What's the weirdest thing, you've ever autographed?
"I've autographed people's skin, and had them come back and show me that they had it tattooed onto the them!"

What item do you autograph most? Cards, photos, equipment?
"Hockey cards, by far."

Did you ever collect other player's memorabilia like...sticks or jerseys, during your playing days?
"No, not at all. I know other players collect stuff like that, but not me."

Did you keep your own memorabilia things like cards, sticks, jerseys, and other equipment?
"Not really, I do have important goal pucks and sticks...but that's about it."

"Thanks for your time, Wendel!"
Thank you!

I would love to say it was a interview that he wasn't into, but he was. He gave honest answers, but he made his point clear that...he understands why people ask for autographs, and that he signs no problems...but for him, he's not a collector!

And that's fine with me...just as long as he keeps signings!

Thanks for the brief read!